Columbia Housing Options

We will be able to place conference participants in the following halls.
Please note, all halls are air conditioned EXCEPT Wein Hall.
All rooms have ethernet and most public areas of the campus are Wifi equipped - map of Wifi Coverage .
Information on parking at Columbia .
Prices below are per person (1 person per room for Single Occupancy, 2 persons per room for Double Occupancy).
For couples interested in sharing an EC room, please click here to contact this page's admin.

  • Carman Hall:
    singles and doubles, semi-private bathrooms
    singles $55 per night, double $40 per night per person
  • East Campus:
    singles (for an individual or couple), private bathrooms
    $80 per night
  • Furnald:
    only singles, communal bathrooms
    $50 per night
  • Wien:
    only singles, communal bathrooms
    $35 per night
  • 600 W 113th St:
    singles and doubles, private bathroom, kitchen
  • single $65 per night, double $45 per night per person

Your credit card will NOT be charged until we give you your final assignment to one of the campus residence halls after we have collected and processed all of the housing requests.
To submit your preferences please proceed to our Housing Preference Form.
To AAMAS accomodations website.

All campus housing is a short (<5 minutes) walk from Lerner Hall where the conference will be held. This map should be helpful.