AAMAS 2007 Workshops
Day 1 (May 14)
W1: ALAg: Adaptive and Learning Agents (full day)
W2: ABUC: Agent-Based Ubiquitous Computing (full day)
W3: AMEC: Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce (full day)
W4: AOSE: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (full day)
W5: ATSN: Agent Technology for Sensor Networks (full day)
W6: COIN: Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms (full day)
W7: DALT: Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (full day)
W8: MRABS: Metareasoning in Agent-Based Systems (full day)
W9: SOCASE: Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics and Engineering (full day)
W10: WEIN: Workshop on Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents (half day - afternoon)
Day 2 (May 15)
W11: ABSHLE: Agent-Based Systems for Human Learning and Entertainment (full day)
W12: AP2PC: Agents and Peer to Peer Computing (full day)
W13: ARGMAS: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (full day)
W14: CAPS: Coordinating Agents' Plans and Schedules (half day - morning)
W15: CCMMS: Coordination and Control in Massively Multi-Agent Systems (full day)
W16: BASeWEB: Business Agents and the Semantic Web (full day) (cancelled)
W17: MABS: Multi-Agent Based Simulation (full day)
W18: ProMAS: Programming Multi-Agent Systems (full day)
W19: MSDM: Multi-agent Sequential Decision Making in Uncertain Domains (half day - afternoon)
W20: TRUST: Trust in Agent Societies (full day)