What's New! (May 8th) In the Conference Opening, we are going to have the special participation of the President of Câmara Municipal de Cascais, Dr. António d'Orey Capucho, and the President of INESC-ID, Prof. Dr. Arlindo Oliveira. (May 7th) The abstracts for the session on the Future of Software Engineering and MAS are now available here. (May 7th) Programme booklet availabe here. (May 7th) Instructions on how to get to the hotels using public transportation available here. (May 4th 2008) Participants that are attending a workshop or tutorial on Monday should register on Sunday from 4pm till 7pm. (April 21th 2008) Abstract booklet available here. (This booklet will be included in the conference bag). (April 21th 2008) Nominations for Pragnesh Jay Modi Best Student Paper Award, Best Paper Award and Best Industry Track Paper Award available here. (April 14th 2008) Nominations for best PC and SPC members here. (April 7th 2008) As the deadline for all the conference hotels' special fee has passed, the bookings now depend on each of the hotels' availability. (April 4th 2008) The winner of the IFAAMAS-07 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award has been announced: Radu Jurca will receive it for his dissertation titled "Truthful Reputation Mechanisms for Online Systems." More details available here. (April 4th 2008) IFAAMAS 2008 influential paper award winners. (March 26th 2008) The early registration fee for tutorial registration was extended to 21st of April, (March 18th 2008) AAMAS 2009 webpage is now online here. (March 13th 2008) AAMAS will feature a session on the Future of Software Engineering and
MAS. (March 7th 2008) Accepted demos' list here. (March 7th 2008) Accepted demos' list here. (February 25th 2008) Tutorial schedule available here. (February 23rd 2008) ACM/SIGART Autonomous Research Award awarded to Yoav Shoham. (February 20th 2008) Workshop schedule availabe here. (February 13th 2008) Online registration is now open. (February 12th 2008) Information about accomodation available here (February 2nd 2008) Draft schedule available here. (January 22nd 2008) Call for IFAAMAS-07 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award nomination here. (January 18th 2008) Student scholarship is now open for applications. (January 15th 2008) Short and Full accepted papers list available. (January 15th 2008) Deadline for demonstrations is Jan. 25, and not Jan. 18, as it was incorrectly stated in "Other Tracks and Sessions" (January 13th 2008) Call for Doctoral Mentoring program availabe here. (January 13th 2008) ConfMaster will start accepting final paper uploads 14th January. (January 8th 2008) If you need a formal invitation letter to apply for a visa to travel to Portugal, then please contact localchairs@aamas2008.org as soon as possible. (January 4th 2008) Tutorials available here. (December 27th 2007) Special Discount for people flying with TAP, read here. (December 20th 2007): Camera Ready Intructions here. (December 17th 2007): Call for nominations here. (December 12th 2007): Workshop program available here. (December 9th 2007): AAMAS is being held in cooperation with AAAI. (December 9th 2007): Deadline extension for paper submission to the Industry and Applications track. (October 29th 2007): Student Scholarship Programme Web Page available here. (October 9th 2007): New plenary speaker announced: Demetri Terzopoulos (University of California, Los Angeles). (October 4th 2007): Unfortunately for a period of time it appears that the wrong style file for AAMAS standard (not short) papers was on the wwwsite. It has now been replaced with the correct style file for downloading. (October 3rd 2007): ConfMaster website is now open for submissions. (September 27th 2007): Sponsorship opportunities available here. (September 27th 2007): New information regarding short paper submission available here. (September 21st 2007): The program committee is announced here. (September 20th 2007): Updated submission instructions are available here. (September 9th 2007): Plenary speakers announced: Randy Beard (Brigham Young University), Moshe Tennenholtz (Technion). (May 9th 2007) AAMAS 2008 site online!