Technical Programme
\ schedule overview
\ detailed schedule
\ wednesday, may 14th, session 1
\ wednesday, may 14th, session 2
\ wednesday, may 14th, session 3
\ thursday, may 15th, session 4
\ thursday, may 15th, session 5
\ thursday, may 15th, session 6
\ friday, may 16th, session 7
\ friday, may 16th, session 8
Abstract booklet available here. (This booklet will be included in the conference bag). AAMAS programme booklet available here. (This booklet will be included in the conference bag).
Paper | Virtual Agents I | Paper | Agent Based System Development I | Paper | Agent Communication | Paper | Agent Societies and Societal Issues | Paper | Economic paradigms I |
526 | An Empathic Virtual Dialog Agent to Improve Human-Machine Interaction | 58 | Cost-Based BDI Plan Selection for Change Propagation | 2 | The Interoperability of Agents | 38 | Robust Normative Systems | 25 | Strategic Betting for Competitive Agents |
336 | ERIC: A Generic Rule-based Framework for an Affective Embodied Commentary Agent | 256 | Integrating Artifact-Based Environments with Heterogeneous Agent-Programming Platforms | 30 | Annotation and Matching of First-Class Agent Interaction Protocols | 217 | Sequential Decision Making with Untrustworthy Service Providers | 264 | Synthesis of Strategies from Interaction Traces |
706 | The Identification of Users by Relational Agents | 317 | A Platform Independent Agent-based Modeling Language | 144 | Agent Communication in Ubiquitous Computing: the Ubismart Approach | 334 | A Statistical Relational Model for Trust Learning | 162 | Artificial agents learning human fairness |
179 | Trackside DEIRA: A Dynamic Engaging Intelligent Reporter Agent | FIPA Meeting | 737 | Using Organization Knowledge to Improve Routing Performance in Wireless Multi-Agent Networks | 596 | The Conclusion of Contracts by Software Agents in the Eyes of the Law | 742 | Self-Interested Database Managers Playing The View Maintenance Game | |
812 | Does the Contingency of Agents’ Nonverbal Feedback Affect Users’ Social Anxiety? | 741 | Conjunctive Queries for Ontology based Agent Communication in MAS | 863 | Norm Emergence Under Constrained Interactions in Diverse Societies | 113 | Zero-Intelligence Agents in Prediction Markets | ||
821 | The Design of a Generic Framework for Integrating ECA Components | 126 | A Cooperation-Based Model For Evolution Of Service Ontologies | 436 | Checking Correctness of Business Contracts via Commitments | 204 | The Effects of Market-Making on Price Dynamics |
Paper | Agent Theories Models and Architectures I | Paper | Agent Cooperation I | Paper | Agent and Multi-Agent Learning I | Paper | Agent Reasoning I | Paper | Economic Paradigms II |
52 | Quantifying Over Coalitions in Epistemic Logic | 757 | Regulating Air Traffic Flow with Coupled Agents | 47 | Autonomous Transfer for Reinforcement Learning | 479 | Goal Generation with Relevant and Trusted Beliefs | 57 | Playing Games for Security: An Efficient Exact Algorithm for Solving Bayesian Stackelberg Games |
104 | Coalitions and Announcements | 319 | Decentralized Algorithms for Collision Avoidance in Airspace | 62 | Analysis of an Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning Method in a Multiagent Domain | 56 | Suspending and Resuming Tasks in Intelligent Agents | 659 | Solving two-person zero-sum repeated games of incomplete information |
544 | Modelling Coalitions: ATL + Argumentation | 770 | Heuristics for Negotiation Schedules in Multi-plan Optimization | 635 | The Utility of Temporal Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning | 389 | Goal Change in the Context of Beliefs: Partial Implication, Logical Properties, and Complexity | 658 | A heads-up no-limit Texas Hold'em poker player: Discretized betting models and automatically generat |
175 | Information-based Deliberation | 135 | Reaction Functions for Task Allocation to Cooperative Agents | 368 | Switching Dynamics of Multi-Agent Learning | 511 | Belief Operations for Motivated BDI Agents | 313 | Computing an Approximate Jam/Fold Equilibrium for 3-Agent No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournaments |
Paper | Multi-Robotics I | Paper | Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award talk | Paper | Agent Reasoning II | Paper | Agent Cooperation II | Paper | Economic Paradigms III |
495 | Adaptive Multi-Robot Wide-Area Exploration and Mapping | 29 | A constrained argumentation system for practical reasoning | 272 | Role-Based Teamwork Activity Recognition in Observations of Embodied Agent Actions | 775 | Anonymity-Proof Shapley Value: Extending Shapley Value for Coalitional Games in Open Environments | ||
667 | A Decentralized Approach to Cooperative Situation Assessment in Multi-Robot Systems | 222 | Using Enthymemes in an Inquiry Dialogue System | 554 | Tags and Image Scoring for Robust Cooperation | 82 | An anytime approximation method for the inverse Shapley value problem | ||
476 | Self-organized Flocking with a Mobile Robot Swarm | 822 | A dialogue mechanism for public argumentation using conversation policies | 359 | Efficiently Determining the Appropriate Mix of Personal Interaction and Reputation Information in Partner Choice | 124 | Approximating Power Indices |
Paper | Agent Theories Models and Architectures II | Paper | Future of Software Engineering and MAS - FOSE-MAS | Paper | Agent Simulations/ Emergent Behaviour | Paper | Industry Track I | Paper | Economic Paradigms IV |
731 | A Temporal Logic for Markov Chains | 10 | Resource Limitations, Transmission Costs and Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free Networks | 1 | Autonomic Machine Control - A Case Study | 7 | Automated Design of Scoring Rules by Learning from Examples | ||
646 | Model-Checking Agent Refinement | 67 | Agent-Based Simulation of the Spatial Dynamics of Crime | 2 | An Interactive Platform for Auction-Based Allocation of Loads in Transportation Logistics | 39 | Evaluation of election outcomes under uncertainty | ||
276 | Goals in Agent Systems: A Unifying Framework | 278 | Reusing Models in Multi-Agent Simulation with Software Components | 3 | Pan-supplier Stock Control in a Virtual Warehouse | 83 | Complexity Issues in Preference Elicitation and Manipulation | ||
525 | Subjective model and private multi agent belief revision | 555 | Agent-based Models for Animal Cognition: A Proposal and Prototype | 4 | WADE: A software platform to develop mission critical applications exploiting agents and workflows | 85 | Divide and Conquer: False-Name Manipulations in Weighted Voting Games | ||
191 | Anchoring Institutions in Agents' Attitudes: Towards a Logical Framework for Autonomous MAS | 592 | Multi Agent Based Simulation of Transport Chains | 5 | BDI-Agents for Agile Goal-Oriented Business Processes | 293 | Copeland Voting: Ties Matter | ||
235 | Verifying time, memory and communication bounds in systems of reasoning agents | 236 | Programming Agents as a Means of Capturing Self-Strategy | 6 | Agent-based Patient Admission Scheduling in Hospitals | 8 | A Broader Picture of the Complexity of Strategic Behavior in Multi-Winner Elections |
Paper | Virtual Agents II | Paper | Agent and Multi-Agent Learning II | Paper | Agent Reasoning III | Paper | Industry Track II | Paper | Economic Paradigms V |
858 | Being a Part of the Crowd: Toward Validating VR Crowds Using Presence | 627 | Modeling how Humans Reason about Others with Partial Information | 36 | An Exact Algorithm for Solving MDPs under Risk-Sensitive Objective with One-Switch Utility Functions | 7 | Case Studies for Contract-based Systems | 46 | Power and Stability in Connectivity Games |
160 | Simulation of Spontaneous Reactive Behavior | 631 | Simultaneously Modeling Humans' Preferences and their Beliefs about Others' Preferences | 783 | Controlling Deliberation in a Markov Decision Process-Based Agent | 8 | Electronic contracting in aircraft aftercare: A case study | 198 | A Tractable and Expressive Class of Marginal Contribution Nets and Its Applications |
779 | SmartBody: Behavior Realization for Embodied Conversational Agents | 385 | Opponent Modelling in Automated Multi-Issue Negotiation Using Bayesian Learning | 26 | Generalized Adaptive A* | 9 | A Multi-Agent Simulation System for Prediction and Scheduling of Aero Engine Overhaul | 51 | Cooperative Boolean Games |
475 | Distinctiveness in multimodal behaviors | 617 | A Few Good Agents: Multi-Agent Social Learning | 543 | A Model of Contingent Planning for Agent Programming Languages | 10 | Transitioning Multiagent Technology to UAV Applications | 35 | Coalitional Skill Games |
Paper | Multi-Robotics II | Paper | Agent Based System Development III | Paper | Agent Cooperation III | Paper | Industry Track III | Paper | Economic Paradigms VI |
700 | Autonomous Geocaching: Navigation and Goal Finding in Outdoor Domains | 505 | A Model-driven, Agent-based Approach for the Integration of Services into a Collaborative BP | 112 | On K-Optimal Distributed Constraint Optimization Algorithms: New Bounds and Algorithms | 11 | Autonomic Multi-Agent Management of Power and Performance in Data Centers | 19 | Mechanism Design for Abstract Argumentation |
381 | The Impact of Adversarial Knowledge on Adversarial Planning in Perimeter Patrol | 509 | Flexible Service Provisioning with Advance Agreements | 111 | Evaluating the Performance of DCOP Algorithms in a Real World, Dynamic Problem | 12 | Cooperative search for optimizing pipeline operations | 54 | Undominated VCG Redistribution Mechanisms |
681 | A Realistic Model of Frequency-Based Multi-Robot Fence Patrolling | 420 | Exploiting Organisational Information for Service Coordination in Multiagent Systems | 22 | BnB-ADOPT: An Asynchronous Branch-and-Bound DCOP Algorithm | 13 | Deployed ARMOR Protection: The Application of a Game Theoretic Model for Security at the Los Angeles International Airport | 622 | Optimal-in-Expectation Redistribution Mechanisms |
Paper | Virtual Agents III | Paper | Agent Reasoning IV | Paper | Agent cooperation IV | Paper | Agent and Multi-Agent Learning III | Paper | Economic Paradigms VII |
760 | Modeling Parallel and Reactive Empathy in Virtual Agents: An Inductive Approach | 277 | Not All Agents Are Equal: Scaling up Distributed POMDPs for Agent Networks | 477 | Automated Global-to-Local Programming in 1-D Spatial Multi-Agent Systems | 195 | Sequential Decision Making in Repeated Coalition Formation under Uncertainty | 200 | Stochastic Search Methods for Nash Equilibrium Approximation in Simulation-Based Games |
366 | Towards Background Emotion Modeling for Embodied Virtual Agents | 244 | The Permutable POMDP: Fast Solutions to POMDPs for Preference Elicitation | 240 | An Approach to Online Optimization of Heuristic Coordination Algorithms | 380 | Emerging coordination in infinite team Markov games | 223 | Searching for Approximate Equilibria in Empirical Games |
229 | MADeM: a multi-modal decision making for social MAS | 482 | Value-Based Observation Compression for DEC-POMDPs | 269 | Using Multi-agent Potential Fields in Real-time Strategy Games | 647 | Approximate Predictive State Representations | 32 | Computationally-efficient Winner Determination for Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions |
383 | Dynamic Bayesian Network Based Interest Estimation for Visual Attentive Presentation Agents | 836 | No-Regret Learning and a Mechanism for Distributed Multi-Agent Planning | 270 | Decentralised Coordination of Low-Power Embedded Devices Using the Max-Sum Algorithm | 721 | MB-AIM-FSI : A Model Based Framework for exploiting gradient ascent MultiAgent Learners in Strategic | 790 | Characterizing effective auction mechanisms: Insights from the 2007 TAC market design competition |
786 | A Model of Gaze for the Purpose of Emotional Expression in Virtual Embodied Agents | 189 | Exploiting Locality of Interaction in Factored Dec-POMDPs | 747 | Look Where You Can See:Predictability & Criticality Metrics for Coordination in Complex Environments | 853 | Sigma Point Policy Iteration | 780 | Mobile Opportunistic Commerce: Mechanisms, Architecture, and Application |
548 | Politeness and Alignment in Dialogues with a Virtual Guide | 190 | Local interactions in decentralized multi-agent planning under uncertainty | 762 | Aligning social welfare and agent preferences to alleviate traffic congestion | 49 | Dynamics Based Control with PSRs | 725 | Selecting Strategies Using Empirical Game Models: An Experimental Analysis of Meta-Strategies |
Paper | Multi-Robotics III | Paper | Agent Based System Devt. IV | Paper | Economic Paradigms VIII |
697 | Sensing-based Shape Formation on Modular Multi-Robot Systems: A Theoretical Study | 515 | Towards verifying compliance in agent-based Web service compositions | 37 | Distributed Multiagent Resource Allocation in Diminishing Marginal Return Domains |
474 | PNP: A Formal Model for Representation and Execution of Multi-Robot Plans. | 242 | Semantic Matchmaking of Web Services using Model Checking | 572 | Trajectories of Goods in Distributed Allocation |