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  Senior Program Committee Program Committee  

Abdel-Illah Mouaddib (University of Caen Basse-Normandie )
dot Adela Grando (University of Edinburgh )
dot Aditya Ghose (Wollongong U)
dot Alan Carlin (University of Massachusetts)
dot Alberto Valero Gomez (Univ. Carlos III, Madrid)
dot Alessandro Farinelli (University of Verona)
dot Alessandro Lazaric (SequeL)
dot Alessandro Ricci (University of Bologna)
dot Alessandro Saffiotti (Orebro University)
dot Alessio Lomuscio (Imperial College London)
dot Alex fukunaga (University of Tokyo)
dot Alexander Artikis (NCSR Demokritos)
dot Alexander Kleiner (University of Freiburg)
dot Alexander Pokahr (University of Hamburg)
dot Alexandra Kirsch (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
dot Alexei Sharpanskykh (VU University Amsterdam)
dot Andrea Bonarini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
dot Andrea Giovannucci (Princeton University)
dot Andrea Tettamanzi (Universita degli Studi di Milano)
dot Andrea Thomaz (Georgia Institute of Technology)
dot Anita Raja (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
dot Annerieke Heuvelink (TNO, The Netherlands)
dot Antonino Rotolo (University of Bologna)
dot Antônio Carlos Rocha Costa (FURG)
dot Ariel Procaccia (Harvard University)
dot Arnav Jhala (UC Santa Cruz)
dot Barry Silverman (U. Pennsylvannia)
dot Bas Steunebrink (Dalle Molle Institute for AI)
dot Bernard Burg (Panasonic Laboratories)
dot Betsy van Dijk (University of Twente)
dot Bikramjit Banerjee (The university of Southern Mississippi)
dot Birgit Burmeister (Daimler AG)
dot Bo An (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
dot Bradford Mott (North Carolina State University)
dot Brahim Chaib-draa (Laval University, Canada)
dot Brett Browning (Carnegie Mellon University)
dot Brian Logan (University of Nottingham)
dot Brian Magerko (Georgia Institute of Technology)
dot Brigitte Krenn (OFAI)
dot Bryan Kian Hsiang Low (National University of Singapore)
dot Byung-Chull Bae (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)
dot Carlos Chesnevar (Universidad Nacional del Sur)
dot Catherine Pelachaud (CNRS - LTCI UMR 5141)
dot Catholijn Jonker (Delft Univ ersity of Technology)
dot Cees Witteveen (Delft University of Technology)
dot Célia da Costa Pereira (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
dot Celia Ghedini Ralha(University of Brasilia - UnB)
dot Charlie Ortiz (SRI International)
dot Christian Becker-Asano (Research Group on the Foundations of AI)
dot Christian Guttmann (EBTIC)
dot Christopher Amato (Aptima Inc.)
dot Christopher Hazard (North Carolina State University)
dot Claudia Goldman (General Motors - Israel)
dot Colm O'Riordan (National University of Ireland)
dot Cristina Baroglio (Dip. Informatica, University of Torino, Italy)
dot Daniel Kudenko (University of York)
dot Daniel Polani (University of Hertfordshire)
dot Daniele Calisi (Sapienza University of Rome)
dot Daniele Porello (University of Amsterdam)
dot Danny Weyns (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
dot David Pynadath (University of Southern California)
dot David Roberts (North Carolina State University)
dot Davide Grossi (University of Amsterdam)
dot Debbie Richards (Macquarie University )
dot Dejan Milutinovic (U. California at Santa Cruz, USA)
dot Dennis Reidsma (Human Media Interaction)
dot Dmitri Dolgov (Google)
dot Dmitrii Pasechnik (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
dot Doina Precup (McGill U)
dot Dominik Dahlem (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
dot Dylan Shell (Texas A&M University)
dot Ece Kamar (MSR)
dot Emiel Krahmer (Tilburg University)
dot Emiliano Lorini (IRIT)
dot Emma Bowring (University of the Pacific)
dot Enrico Gerding (University of Southampton)
dot Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University)
dot Eric Horvitz (Microsoft Research)
dot Esther David (Ashkelon College, Israel)
dot Eugen Staab (imc AG)
dot Evan Sultanik (Drexel)
dot Fariba Sadri (Imperial College London, UK)
dot Faruk Polat (Middle East Technical University)
dot Federico Chesani (University of Bologna, Italy)
dot Felipe Meneguzzi (Carnegie Mellon University)
dot Felix Fischer (Harvard SEAS)
dot Fenghui Ren (University of Wollongong)
dot Fernando Ribeiro (UMinho, Portugal)
dot Francisco Melo (INESC-ID/Instituto Superior Técnico)
dot Frank Dignum (Utrecht University)
dot Frans Oliehoek (MIT)
dot Franziska Klugl (Orebro University)
dot Gaku Yamamoto (IBM Japan)
dot Gaya Jayatilleke (RMIT University)
dot George Vouros (University of the Aegean)
dot Georgia Kastidou (University of Waterloo)
dot Georgios Chalkiadakis (University of Southampton)
dot Gerald Steinbauer (Graz University of Technology)
dot Gerhard Kraetzschmar (Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Science)
dot Gerhard Weiss (University of Maastricht)
dot Gianluigi Greco (UNIVERSITA' DELLA CALABRIA, Italy)
dot Giovanni Rimassa (Whitestein Technologies AG)
dot Gita Sukthankar (University of Central Florida)
dot Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
dot Graça Gaspar (University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences)
dot Greet Vanden Berghe (Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven, Belgium)
dot Guido Governatori (NICTA)
dot Guillermo Simari (Universidad Nacional del Sur)
dot H. Levent Akin (Bogazici University)
dot H. Van Dyke Parunak (Vector Research Center)
dot Hamdi Yahyaoui (Kuwait University, Kuwait)
dot Han La Poutre (CWI)
dot Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Sevilla)
dot Henry Prakken (Utrecht University)
dot Hideyuki Nakanishi (Osaka University)
dot Hirofumi Yamaki (Nagoya University)
dot Hiromitsu Hattori (Kyoto University)
dot Huib Aldewereld (Utrecht University)
dot Ian Horswill (Northwestern University)
dot Ielka Van der Sluis (Trinity College Dublin)
dot Ingo Timm (University of Trier)
dot Ingrid Zukerman (Monash University )
dot Iqbal Mohomed (IBM Research)
dot Itai Ashlagi (MIT)
dot Jacob Crandall (Masdar Institute)
dot James Atlas (University of Delaware)
dot James Hanson (IBM Research)
dot James Harland (RMIT University)
dot Jan Treur (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
dot Javier Carbo (Univ. Carlos III, Spain)
dot Jean Oh (Carnegie Mellon University)
dot Jeremy Pitt (Imperial College London)
dot Jesus Cerquides (IIIA-CSIC)
dot Jiaying Shen (SRI International)
dot Jie Zhang (Nanyang Technological University)
dot João Balsa (FCUL)
dot Joel Uckelman (University of Amsterdam)
dot Johannes Pellenz (Federal Office of Defense Technology)
dot Jomi Hubner (Federal University of Santa Catarina)
dot Joost Broekens (Delft University of Technology)
dot Jordan Srour (American University of Beirut)
dot Joris Hulstijn (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
dot josé Cascalho (UAçores)
dot Jose Vidal (University of South Carolina)
dot Juan Burguillo (University of Vigo)
dot Juan Tapiador (University of York)
dot Juergen Dix (Clausthal University of Technology)
dot Jurriaan van Diggelen (TNO, The Netherlands)
dot Kaijen Hsiao (Willow Garage)
dot Katie Atkinson (University of Liverpool)
dot Kees Van Deemter (University of Aberdeen)
dot Ken Satoh (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
dot Khiet Truong (University of Twente)
dot Klaus Dorer (Offenburg University)
dot Klaus Fischer (DFKI)
dot Kobi Gal (BGU)
dot Kristen Brent Venable (University of Padova)
dot Lars Braubach (University of Hamburg)
dot Laura Barbulescu (CMU)
dot Laurent Vercouter (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne)
dot Leen-Kiat Soh (Department of Computer Science & Engineering)
dot Leendert van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
dot Leila Amgoud (IRIT - CNRS)
dot Lino Marques (University of Coimbra)
dot Liviu Panait (Google)
dot Louise Dennis (University of Liverpool)
dot Luca Iocchi (Sapienza University Roma)
dot Lucian Busoniu (Delft University of Technology)
dot Luis Antunes (Universidade de Lisboa)
dot Luis Botelho (ISCTE-IUL)
dot Luis Lamb (Institute of Informatics - UFRGS)
dot Luis Moniz (FCUL)
dot Luke Teacy (University of Ulster)
dot M. Bernardine Dias (Carnegie Mellon University )
dot Magalie Ochs (CNRS)
dot Makoto Yokoo (Kyushu University)
dot Marc Cavazza (University of Teesside)
dot Marc Esteva (IIIA-CSIC)
dot Marcello Restelli (Politecnico di Milano)
dot Marcelo Kallmann (University of California, Merced)
dot Marco Alberti (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
dot Marco Gilles (Goldsmiths, University of London)
dot Marco Montali (University of Bologna, Italy)
dot Marek Grzes (University of Waterloo)
dot Marek Petrik (IBM Research)
dot Maria Chli (Aston University)
dot Maria Polukarov (University of Southampton)
dot Maria Silvia Pini (University of Padova)
dot Mario Paolucci (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
dot Marius Silaghi (FIT)
dot Mark Hoogendoorn (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
dot Martijn Schut (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
dot Martin Allen (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse)
dot Martin Hofmann (Lockheed Martin)
dot Martin Kollingbaum (University of Aberdeen)
dot Martin Lauer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
dot Martin Michalowski (Adventium Labs)
dot Mathijs de Weerdt (Delft University of Technology)
dot Matteo Baldoni (Dip. di Informatica, Univ. di Torino)
dot Matthew Knudson (Oregon State University)
dot Matthias Klusch (DFKI)
dot Matthias Rehm (Aalborg University)
dot Matthijs Spaan (Instituto Superior Tecnico)
dot Mauro Birattari (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
dot Maxim Likachev (Carnegie Mellon University)
dot Mehmet Orgun (Macquarie University)
dot Mei Si (RPI)
dot Meir Kalech (Ben-Gurion University)
dot Michael Huhns (University of South Carolina)
dot Michael Kipp (DFKI)
dot Michael Pirker (Siemens AG)
dot Michael Quinlan (UT Austin)
dot Michael Rovatsos (University of Edinburgh)
dot Michael Thielscher (The University of New South Wales)
dot Michael Winikoff (University of Otago)
dot Michail Lagoudakis (Technical University of Crete)
dot Michal Jakob (FEE Czech Technical University)
dot Miguel Angel Lopez Carmona (Universidad de Alcala)
dot Mingyu Guo (University of Liverpool)
dot Minjie Zhang (The University of Wollongong)
dot Monique Calisti (Martel Consulting)
dot Mudhakar Srivatsa (IBM Research)
dot Muhammad Younas (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom)
dot Nanjangud Narendra (IBM Research India)
dot Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University)
dot Natasha Alechina (University of Nottingham)
dot Nathan Griffiths (University of Warwick)
dot Nathan Sturtevant (University of Denver)
dot Nick Webb (University at Albany, SUNY )
dot Nico Roos (Maastricht University)
dot Nicola Gatti (Politecnico di Milano)
dot Nicolas Maudet (LAMSADE, Univ. Paris-Dauphine)
dot Nicolas Troquard (University of Liverpool, UK)
dot Nicoletta Fornara (Universita della Svizzera Italiana)
dot Nikolaus Correll (University of Colorado, Boulder)
dot Nir Oren (University of Aberdeen)
dot Noa Agmon (University of Texas at Austin)
dot Odinaldo Rodrigues (King's College London)
dot Oguz Dikenelli (Ege University)
dot Olivier Boissier (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne)
dot Onn Shehory (IBM Research)
dot Osher Yadgar (SRI International)
dot Pablo Noriega (IIIA-CSIC)
dot Paolo Giorgini (University of Trento)
dot Patrick De Causmaecker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
dot Patrick Gebhard (DFKI)
dot Paul Buhler (College of Charleston)
dot Paul Dunne (University of Liverpool)
dot Paul Harrenstein (Technische Universität München)
dot Paulo Pinheiro da Silva (University of Texas at El Paso)
dot Paulo Trigo (ISEL - Instituto Superior de Eng. de Lisboa)
dot Paulo Urbano (FCUL)
dot Pedro Meseguer (IIIA CSIC)
dot Pedro Szekely (USC Information Sciences Institute)
dot Peter Vrancx (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
dot Piotr Faliszewski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
dot Prashant Doshi (Univ of Georgia)
dot Quan Bai (Tasmanian ICT Centre, CSIRO)
dot Rachel Greenstadt (Drexel University)
dot Reinaldo Bianchi (FEI)
dot Robert Kohout (DARPA)
dot Robin Cohen (University of Waterloo)
dot Roger Mailler (University of Tulsa)
dot Rogier van Eijk (Utrecht University)
dot Ronald Poppe (University of Twente)
dot Ronen Brafman (Ben Gurion University)
dot Rong Zhou (PARC)
dot Rui Prada (INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico)
dot Ruth Aylett (Heriot-Watt University)
dot Sachin Kamboj (University of Delaware)
dot Samuel Ieong (Microsoft Research)
dot Sanjay Modgil (King's College London)
dot Sarah Hickmott (RMIT)
dot Sarah Osentoski (Brown University)
dot Sarvapali Ramchurn (University of Southampton)
dot Sascha Ossowski (University Rey Juan Carlos)
dot Scott DeLoach (Kansas State University)
dot Scott Proper (Oregon State University)
dot Sebastian Stein (University of Southampton)
dot Sebastien Konieczny (CRIL-CNRS)
dot Sebastien Lahaie (Yahoo! Research)
dot Sevan Ficici (Natural Selection, Inc.)
dot Shaheen Fatima (Loughborough University)
dot Shigeo Matsubara (Kyoto University)
dot Shih-Fen Cheng (Singapore Management University)
dot Simon Miles (King's College London)
dot Sonia Chernova (Worcester Polytechnic Institute )
dot Stacy Pfautz (Aptima, Inc.)
dot Stefan De Wannemaecker (KULeuven, Belgium)
dot Stefan Kopp (Bielefeld University)
dot Stefano Carpin (Univ. of California, Merced, USA)
dot Stephen Smith (Carnegie Mellon University)
dot Steven de Jong (Maastricht University)
dot Steven Shapiro (RMIT)
dot Sylvain Bouveret (ONERA)
dot Takahiro Kawamura (Toshiba Corp.)
dot Takahiro Uchiya (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
dot Tarek Helmy (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral)
dot Terry Payne (U of Liverpool)
dot Thomas Ågotnes (University of Bergen)
dot Thomas Gabel (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg)
dot Tibor Bosse (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
dot Timothy Norman (University of Aberdeen)
dot Tokuro Matsuo (Yamagata University)
dot Tomas Klos (Delft University of Technology)
dot Tomasz Michalak (University of Southampton)
dot Tony Barrett (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
dot Toyoaki Nishida (Kyoto University)
dot Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University)
dot Ubbo Visser (University of Miami)
dot Ugur Kuter (University of Maryland)
dot Valentin Goranko (Technical University of Denmark)
dot Valentin Robu (University of Southampton)
dot Vangelis Markakis (Athens University of Economics and Business)
dot Vasile Rus (University of Memphis)
dot Victor Lesser (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
dot Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy (BBC Research & Development, UK)
dot Virginia Dignum (Delft University of Technology)
dot Viviana Mascardi (Universita' degli Studi di Genova)
dot Viviane Torres da Silva (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
dot Wamberto Vasconcelos (University of Aberdeen)
dot Wei Chen (Intelligent Automation Inc.)
dot Wei Liu (U Western Australia)
dot Wenji Mao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
dot Wheeler Ruml (University of New Hampshire)
dot William Yeoh (University of Massachusetts)
dot Wojciech Jamroga (University of Luxembourg)
dot Xiaoping Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)
dot Yang Xu (Univ. Electronic Science and Tech of China)
dot Yaxin Liu (Google)
dot Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (Sandia National Labs)
dot Yonghong Wang (Carnegie Mellon University)
dot Yoram Bachrach (Microsoft Research)
dot Yukiko Nakano (Seikei University)
dot Yun-Gyung Cheong (IT University of Copenhagen)
dot Yves Demazeau (LIG-CNRS)
dot Yves Lesperance (York University)
dot Zachary Rubinstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
dot Zakaria Maamar (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates)
dot Zhongtang Cai (Oracle Corp.)
dot Zsófia Ruttkay (Moholy-Nagy Univ. of Arts and Design Budapest)


AAMAS 2011 Secretariat

Elite Professional Conference Organizer
Mr. JUN Tsai / 4F., No.20, Ln.128, Jingye 1st Rd., Taipei City 104, Taiwan / Tel: +886-2-8502-7087 Ext. 28 / Fax: +886-2-8502-7025
E-mail: aamas2011@elitepco.com.tw