Social Events at AAMAS 2018
Conference Dinner

Solliden is a famous restaurant in the heart of Skansen – which is the world’s oldest open-air museum showcasing houses and farmsteads collected from every part of Sweden. Solliden was constructed between 1950-1952 and offers a unique view over Stockholm.
On July 12, we will meet there at 19:30 to have a welcome drink; at 20:00 the three course meal will start. Awards will be presented during the conference dinner, which will end around 23:00.
We recommend that you travel to Solliden/Skansen on public transportation using your SL travel card. Sitting in Stockholm traffic jams is no fun, whereas enjoying a short walk along the water or taking the popular tram no. 7 is a pleasant experience. Detailed instructions for how to reach Solliden can be found here (pdf file - missing). These instructions are also available via the Whova app
Entrance to Skansen is included, you need to show your badge/ticket at the entrance to Skansen.
Closing Reception / Shared FAIM Reception
On Sunday, July 15 19:00-22:00 ICML, IJCAI and AAMAS invite all attendees to a joint reception at “Sollidenscen” – an open space with a famous stage in front of the Solliden restaurant which is famous for concerts and “all-sång” events.
There, you will have an opportunity to enjoy drinks and food while mingling with participants from all three conferences. You may also join other activities in Skansen under the topic “Svenska sommartraditioner” (20:00-21:00) such as folk music and folk dance. The park environment with animals and the old houses will be open for the participants until 22.00, with some activities continuing until 21.00.
There will be a special entrance gate to Skansen for the participants, with folk musicians accompanying you to Sollidenscen. Entrance fee is included; you need to show your badge/ticket at the entrance. As with the conference dinner, we expect that you use public transportation. This reception will be outside. Be prepared that temperatures in the evening/night – despite the late sunset – may require some warm jacket. If it is raining, there will be tents.
Scavenger Hunt @ AAMAS 2018
All students
attending the Doctoral Consortium (DC) at AAMAS 2018 are welcome to
participate in the scavenger hunt competition. Teams will be formed according to rules to be announced on July
10th during the DC. All teams have some time (between July 10th and the
deadline on the 12th) to try to accomplish a list of tasks. Each task awards
points according to the correctness and degree of completeness. The winning
team will be announced during the community meeting.
Contact: Ana Bazzan ( or Birgit Lugrin (
Lunch with an Expert
“Lunch with an Expert” is open to student attendees of AAMAS. The following researchers will take
groups of 6 students to lunch, which
provides a good opportunity to ask questions and socialize both with
the expert and other students. The lunch is free, courtesy of IFAAMAS.
- July 11 Catherine Pelachaud
- July 12 Ed Durfee
- July 12 Vince Conitzer
- July 13 Sven Koenig
- July 13 Jonathan Gratch
- July 13 David Parkes
- July 13 Makoto Yokoo
Sign-up sheets will be available in the registration area, starting at July 10. If you can't find them, please ask at the registration desk.
Contact: Maria Gini (
Diversity Lunch
AAMAS 2018 will be holding a women’s networking and
mentoring lunch on Wednesday, July 13th. Since we do have space constraints, if
you are interested in attending, then please register in advance by filling out
our questionnaire by July 10th, 2018. Note that while the food is
sponsored, you need to pay the drinks yourself.
Contact: Kate Larsson ( or Elisabeth André (
AAMAS Football Game
We are pleased to announce the AAMAS Football Tournament (AAMAS Football 2018) at the conference, which has a longstanding tradition within the AAMAS community. This year the tournament will be held at Solberga ball field between 19:00-21:00, Friday 13th July 2018.
Note that while the tournament started as a friendly
football match between researchers from the US and Europe, in the last few
years researchers from other continents had also joined the
tournament. However, for the tradition, we still keep the format of US vs. European
teams (but in fact anyone can join).
If you would like to play, please contact one of
the following organisers:
- Amulya Yadav (US team):
- Long Tran-Thanh (European team):